3, October 2005: Fixed link to help of very advanced unit.
28, September 2005: Fixed bug in intelligence that didn't take into
account the new rules for food.
25, September 2005: Activated best position.
19, September 2005: Display a count of the number of messages sent
today when composing a message and if more than 20 messages have already been sent today (Thanks
18, September 2005: Fixed color of killed units (Thanks crapled!).
17, September 2005: Explain about Ages in the Help.
16, September 2005: Fixed count of officers in 'Officers' page that in some
cases was wrong (Thanks Tybs!)
15, September 2005: Fixed 'Spectacles' technology that wasn't working (Thanks Pier
and Routhledge!). Fixed two grammar errors in Help (Thanks Hadrael!)
14, September 2005: Fixed grammar mistake in the X-Kings landing page (Thanks Hadrael!).
Display warning that you can't attack yourself when you're looking at yourself (Thanks LeoII!). Explain in Help
that you can't attack your commander or one of your officers (Thanks Hadrael!).
13, September 2005: Experimentally added in-game adverts. The adverts should be displayed
after the rest of the page as been loaded, so they shouldn't affect game speed. Also, we display them a bit
smaller and on the right so you shouldn't get too distracted while playing. If this works it should pay all
hardware and bandwidth costs and we can expand the game a lot while keeping it totally free!
12, September 2005: Fixed display of player icon (Thanks Sir_Trent!). Added Help on Voting page.
11, September 2005: Added couple of new technologies. Reshuffled technology tree. Switched the live game to new hardware.
The New Age started today at 18:00 GMT!
10, September 2005: Age 2 finished today at 12:00 GMT. The winner
of this age is Sinath with 346,173 points. Here are the top 10
players at the end of this age:
Position | Name | Points | Gold | Units |
    1 | Sinath | 346,173 | 959,788 | 682 |
   2 | MAPTO | 345,069 | 1,872,642 | 563 |
  3 | emil | 344,655 | 601,329 | 565 |
 4 | torpedo | 338,640 | 70,884 | 625 |
 5 | HULK65 | 334,305 | 279,042 | 722 |
 6 | SF_Blizz | 187,584 | 62,367 | 656 |
 7 | aekara | 182,336 | 162,794 | 626 |
 8 | wolfskin | 180,928 | 493,518 | 698 |
 9 | AssaSSin_oooO | 177,754 | 64 | 375 |
 10 | help | 172,328 | 64 | 450 |
Check the top 100 players of this age too!
PS: the full list of the top 1,000 players is also available
The Guild winner was Evil_Inc with 4,891,768 points. Here are the top 10 guilds at the end of this age:
Position | Name | Points | Members | Leader |
1 | Evil_Inc | 4,891,768 | 160 | Routhledge |
2 | Os_FodationS | 1,768,862 | 222 | _crow_ |
3 | DVDF_ARMY | 1,636,990 | 431 | MrSpeed |
4 | darkeknights | 1,264,194 | 59 | crapled |
5 | BTV_Soldier | 1,117,737 | 74 | OMEGA_TO |
6 | X-KINGDOM | 1,036,219 | 566 | hero888 |
7 | Dracula | 1,032,045 | 304 | zenaibar |
8 | Athechuzos | 1,015,735 | 32 | Athe |
9 | -Oceanica- | 931,121 | 520 | jojojo24 |
10 | DeathtrapManor | 786,228 | 348 | Chaindog |
Check the top 100 guilds of this age too!
9, Sep 2005 [Test Game]: Fixed description of 'Caravan' (Thanks Roby!). Fixed
small visual typo in description of two other techs (Thanks DANik49!).
8, Sep 2005 [Test Game]: Increased mxp gain for killing some higher attack units (Thanks
banjomaster!). Yet more work on the Plague -- rewritten recovery rules. Fixed Plague
message (Thanks DANik49!). Fixed wrapping/spacing problems in Trade page at 800x600 (Thanks
DANik49!). Put 'Help' a bit higher in the player menu, and 'Preferences' a bit lower.
7, Sep 2005 [Test Game]: Fixed display of wall icons in some particular cases where the wrong
icon would previously be displayed (Thanks DVDF_phubab!). Rationalized voting links. Fixed
description of Plague (Thanks DANik49!). Display a message rather than the attack form if
you have no military units that can attack. Tweaked Plague probabilities: lower probability of
recovering, but then extend period of immunity. Double initial infection probability.
6, Sep 2005 [Test Game]: Slowly increase the rewards for voting as the number of technologies
of a player increases. Reorganized voting links.
5, Sep 2005 [Test Game]: Display full details (position, points, gold, units) of your
commander when you click on 'Officers' (Thanks DANik49 for the suggestion!).
4, Sep 2005 [Test Game]: Changed rules on military experience: you can only get military
experience from the same player once every 14 days (as opposed to 3 days as it used to be). To
make the rule more friendly, the system now clearly tells you -- before you attack -- if you can
or can not get military experience from the attack due to this rule.
3, Sep 2005 [Test Game]: Display full details (position, points, gold, units) of all your
officers when you click on 'Officers' (Thanks baffie for the suggestion!).
2, Sep 2005 [Test Game]: Added a new technology and a new building.
1, Sep 2005 [Test Game]: Reorganized Siege Defense Strategy and related rules to provide
more protection for defenders against continuous losses, and also to make mxp trading a bit more
challenging. Fixed grammar mistakes (Thanks DANik49!).
31, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Fixed wrapping of text in messages that was broken by last
changes (Thanks burdette!). Fixed description of workers and soldiers (Thanks aekara!).
Do not display or accumulate food until a research that lets you store and use your excess
food production is discovered.
30, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Fixed description of Trade (Thanks DANik49!). Fixed description
of 'Water Mill' (Thanks Nosferiazel!). Increased cost of training higher units. Fixed error
in the html of the intelligence page. Avoid ugly wrapping of text in some tables when browser
window is small (Thanks DANik49!).
28, Aug 2005: The Test Game started today! It can be reached
at http://test.x-kings.com.
28, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Worked around a bug in mod_cache
which was causing colors and images not to appear in web pages. Fixed grammar error in the
description of 'Fence' (Reported by King_Henry, thanks!)
27, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Implemented Plague system.
26, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Fixed html error in defense strategy page. In case two players
or two guilds have the same Points, the older player/guild gets the better position.
25, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Implemented message blocklists. Added block and unblock functions
to block messages from nasty players.
24, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Enhanced intelligence reports for food, mxp and techs (reports
by Nosferaziel and Arid, thanks!). Do not display gold of players in public pages to prevent
scripts scanning the public pages for players with gold.
23, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Implemented new technology. Updated explanation of food in Help.
22, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Added a couple of new buildings.
21, Aug 2005: The current game will terminate on Saturday 10th September
2005 @ 12:00 GMT (that's mid-day GMT). The new game will start on Sunday 11th September 2005
@ 12:00 GMT (There will be 24 hours between the end of the old game and the start of the new one
so that we have time to switch servers properly). We are also planning to run a very short, limited
test game on the new server from Sunday, 28th August to Saturday, 10th September, to give the new stuff
at least a rough testing. All players that have a position from #1 to #1,000 on the main game on the morning
(8am GMT) of Saturday 27th August 2005 will get an account on the test game.
21, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Implemented new technology.
20, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Revamped Help section: improved many answers, plus added
explanations of battle formulas, player icons, attack protections, consequences of inactivity.
Added form to give a support point to a player by typing in the name on the 'Support Points' page.
Do not allow food production to go below 0.
19, Aug 2005 [Test Game]: Implemented passcode system. Reduced bonus given by the general.
Reduced cost of military experience. Increased upkeep of higher units. Reduced trade oscillations.
Reduced costs of more advanced trade goods. Require more frequent anti-cheating checks (every 20
minutes, not every 40 minutes). Changed attack rules so the attacker can always lose units even
if attacking players with more points. Changed attack formulas to use (5 + 1d7) instead of
(2 + 1d6).
9, Aug 2005: Removed all usages of 'he' when referring to a player.
Talk about 'this player' instead. (Suggestion by DANik49, thanks!).
3, Aug 2005: Restored the service after the problems we had. After
a year the database server ran out of disk space just on the very few days when the staff
was on holidays! Thanks to the millions of players that emailed the staff reporting this
problem, unfortunately we were travelling with no internet access ... good lesson for
our next holidays though! ;-)
Velhas Novidades:
Sep 2004 - Nov 2004,
Dec 2004 - Jan 2005,
Feb 2005 - Jul 2005,
Aug 2005 - Oct 2005